Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Roy Christopher Conference

Facts about Roy Christopher

  • Roy didn't plan on getting involved in the computer culture, but now he owns four computers
  • Worked for for 10 years
  • Self-published his book because he couldn't find a publisher and interview books don't sell well
  • It took about four years before he got a big response to his book
  • Working on a new book called Medium Picture
Important Ideas from the Conference
  • Hip Hop culture is the blueprint to 21 century culture
  • Older generations don't trust the youth with new technology
  • Most people that use computers don't do programming 
  • The internet can be both a time saver and a time waster
  • "Program or be programed"
  • "Sometimes we will, sometimes we won't"


  1. Your notes are well-organized and they pack a lot of information into a few words. Sometimes too few; can you help your readers understand the "Important Ideas" by explaining a little more?

  2. I think the most important idea from the conference was that whether the older generation is accepting of it or not, technology is becoming a way of life. It is something that should be embraced because it will only help us in the pursuit of new knowledge. Just like the book titled "Program or be Programed", this new wave of technology is inevitable so we might as well ride this wave.
