Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Hamlet AP Essay

     The use of language in Hamlet differs greatly from epic tales like Beowulf or The Iliad. In epics the language is used to tell a story rather than to portray thoughts and feelings. In Hamlet language is used to get into the mind of the character and understand first hand how the character is feeling. This can't be said for epics like Beowulf and The Iliad.
     In Hamlet first hand emotions are witnessed due to the use of language. For instance, the entire "To be or not to be" soliloquy comes directly from the mind of Hamlet. The reader gets to delve into Hamlet's head and experience what his thought processes are. The language is used in a conversational matter rather than a in a narrative manner. This makes Hamlet a more realistic character because he deals with emotions and everyday conflicts.
       In epics like Beowulf, the language is used in a didactic manner. Because of this, epics like Beowulf and the Iliad, are not easily related to everyday life. Readers are not allowed to get into the minds of these characters and really find out what they think. The language used in epics creates an overview of the characters lives, unlike in Hamlet, where you are right along with him as he makes his decisions. 
       Language is also used in Hamlet to directly express how one characters feels towards another. For instance, when Hamlet and Ophelia talk they express there feelings towards each other verbally. This ends up with Hamlet telling Ophelia to go to a nunnery. In epics characters don't really use there language to express their feels towards each other. Relationships can be inferred but they are not as easily seen as they are in Hamlet. 
        Hamlet seems to be an easier story to relate to because the reader does get to be alongside Hamlet as he makes decisions and experience emotional turmoil. Language is not just used to tell a story in Hamlet, but it is also used to develop Hamlet. It is as if Hamlet is a real person because we get to see his emotions. In epics like Beowulf, characters are just that, characters. We don't get to see them develop as people. The use of language in Hamlet has a far greater impact than the use of language in epics.


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